Read about the benefits and comfort of Smart electric fencing in the words of renowned Shetland sheep breeder Mr Roman Cieslar.
Special pest-proof insulators are prepared for the Positive-Negative electric fence, i.e. the conductors are routed in close proximity to each other.
Such wiring will be appreciated in the fight against pests such as marten, otter or weasel. With special insulators, you can successfully protect your gardens, dwellings or ponds, which are frequent targets of all pest attacks.
You will find special insulators to protect roof gutters and downspouts, which are used by martens and other pests to enter your dwellings. A marten in the attic can cause considerable trouble, which is why we offer a complete electric fence kit against marten in the attic. The electric fence will ensure 100% protection for your house.
A marten in the house is nothing pleasant. If you are dealing with this unpleasant fact, you might be interested in Insulator for electric fence against pests with 8 eyelets to secure your house, balcony, garden, and attic.
We will be happy to help you choose the right insulator, contact us.
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