Read about the benefits and comfort of Smart electric fencing in the words of renowned Shetland sheep breeder Mr Roman Cieslar.
Modern smart LTE energizers energy DUO Cellular EDC bring a wide range of possibilities in controlling and monitoring electric fences. With a power output of 8 - 15 J and a possible installation length of up to 120 km, the devices are versatile for all animals in any terrain, regardless of the position of your fence.
The smart LTE electric fence energizer can be easily paired with the fencee Cloud app and use all available features of the app without limiting the range of control. Operation is free of charge.
The device is connected to the GSM network via an integrated e-SIM and is thus continuously online for remote control from anywhere with cellular network coverage. State-of-the-art technology ensures continuous control of the device using motion sensor and GPS. So in case of theft of the device, you will immediately receive an alert and see a route with the current position of the device in the app. Thanks to a backup battery with a capacity of up to 48 hours, the energizer is still active even after disconnection from the mains, making localization very easy.
The energizers also have standard features such as 50/100% power switching via a button on the energizer or power control in the app. A powerful ST transformer and a handy bargraph on the front of the device indicate operation. Large LCD display to see the necessary readings, a handy yellow output terminal for connecting a low voltage fence and a green terminal for measuring the earthing quality.
Do you need help? Mr. Tomáš Urban
Smart Farm fencee Cloud system is protected in the EU utility model Nº 1870632, Nr. 202018102939, Nr. 31675
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