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New definition of convenient control of electric fencing fencee: Have your fencing under control, literally from all over the world

New definition of convenient control of electric fencing fencee: Have your fencing under control, literally from all over the world

It’s been our endeavour for years to be a step ahead and offer our customers unique and innovative energizers and comprehensive electric fencing control systems. To save breeders’ and farmers’ time and cost even more, we have launched a modern, world unique fencee smart farm. Now, you can control your fencing conveniently from anywhere in the world.

How does our unique technology work?

Already in the past, the remote monitoring and control of electric fencing belonged to the assets of fencee-branded technology. The smart farm system was predicated on the radio transmission with a reach of up to 30 km. Now, we have developed an absolutely unique solution. From now on, you can control and check your fencing, whether it is intended for animals or for the protection of your land or crop, conveniently from your mobile phone through the fencee Cloud application or your computer web interface. Wherever in the world, you will make do with Internet connection – and will have your fencing under constant control at a single click.

Díky aplikaci fencee Cloud můžete kontrolovat svoje ohrady opravdu doslova odkudkoliv
Thanks to the fencee Cloud application, you can control your fences literally from anywhere.

Heart of the System: central device FENCE WiFi GATEWAY GW100

The central equipment of the modern smart farm is FENCE WiFi GATEWAY GW100. It remotely checks and controls energizers and control monitors. The gateway is connected to a cloud through Wi-Fi. Cloud is a secured place on the Internet through which all paired devices communicate with one another. Not only does a cloud collect data from the energizers and control monitors but it also sends instructions from the user back to the central gateway. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to not only share the data with other users but also check, set up and control the fencing from anywhere. The gateway is capable of reaching the energizers and monitors in a distance of up to 10 km, with an option to connect an external antenna, which will increase the reach to up to 30 km. Thanks to this unique technology, you have an opportunity to set up a modern and interactive fencing for both your breeding animals and your land or crop you need to protect and have under control.

Srcem celého systému je centrální zařízení FENCE WiFi GATEWAY GW100
Heart of the whole system is the central device FENCE WiFi GATEWAY GW100

For years, we've been trying to develop technologies to make your job easier. We were able to create a unique solution for you in the form of the Modern Smart Farm fencee. These smart products will give you better control and management of your electric fences. These include the power DUO RF PDX and energy DUO RF EDX model series energizers using RF technology to communicate with each other.…

More about products

What energizers support the remote control option?

Our unique technology is supported by a newly developed series of strong combined energizers fencee energy DUO RF EDX with an output of 8-15 J. These highly efficient energizers are suitable for very long electric fences and fences burdened with vegetation. They are intended for all animals, including the young. The thing is that they are equipped with a special clip thanks to which the impulses can be reduced, approximately, to half the output. These energizers for electric fences serve for protecting not only animals but also crop and land from various pests and predators. Through the fencee Cloud, it is also possible to control the previous series fencee power DUO RF PDX energizers with an output of 1-7 J. All stated combined sources can be supplied from both a 230-V network or an ordinary 12-V auto battery, which can also be used as a back-up source.


Generátory fencee energy DUO RF EDX, power DUO RF PDX a monitorovací zařízení Monitor MX10 podporují fencee Cloud
Energizers fencee energy DUO RF EDX, power DUO RF PDX a monitoring device Monitor MX10 support fencee Cloud

What is the control Monitor MX10 good for?

Control Monitor MX10 monitors the entrances and critical spots (e.g. places burdened with vegetation, forest and water vicinity, etc.) of your electric fencing and informs you immediately about the drop of voltage. The monitor recognizes a drop of voltage on the fencing and immediately sends out information to the central gateway. Within a few seconds, an alarm is sent into your mobile phone and e-mail. Through the fencee Cloud application, you can conveniently remotely switch off the power supply to your fencing and switch it on again once the defect is eliminated. Should you need to repair fencing that is damaged, you may find it handy to measure the values around the repaired spots by means of a tester. Concurrently, these monitors constitute an appropriate control for closing the gate. If the gate handle hook is disconnected, the eye remains without voltage and the monitor evaluates the situation and sends an alarm to the gateway. Your electric fencing is then protected even from possible trespassers.

TOP Products of Our Smart Solution

fencee Cloud

Central device FENCE WiFi GATEWAY GW100

Power source: 230 V ~ / 50 Hz, 14 VDC
Backup battery: 9,6 V - 800m Ah
Energizer consumption 230 V: maximum 300 mA
Product detail
fencee Cloud
15 J

Electric fence energizer fencee energy DUO RF EDX150

Power source: 230 V ~ / 12
Energizer consumption 230 V: 6 - 21 W
Energizer consumption 12 V: 200 - 1250 mA
Product detail
fencee Cloud

Monitoring device Monitor MX10

Power source: 2 × bateries, type C LR14
fencee Cloud connection: √
Magnetic controller: √
Product detail
fencee Cloud
7 J

Energizer only electric fence fencee power DUO RF PDX70

Power source: 12 V / 230
Energizer consumption 230 V: 300 - 770 mA
Output energy: 7 J
Product detail
4 products shown

What are the options and advantages of a modern fencee smart farm?

The new solution to controlling fences by means of a cloud saves maximum time since you no longer have to walk around the fences. The entire system works without SIM cards and the fencee Cloud application is downloadable free of charge and is not limited by the number of devices. Therefore, you can easily and in well-arranged manner:

  • check online information on all paired devices
  • for easy orientation in your smart farm, you can deploy devices in particular locations on the map. From the map, you can easily click on the respective location to get to the relevant device
  • using a virtual fence, you can easily draw fences into the map. In case of an alarm, you can immediately see color scheme indicating origin of the problem
  • share individual devices and specify the functions that an authorized person can control 
  • depict the course of measured values over the last 7 days thanks to well-arranged graphs
  • display the lists of all connected devices
  • monitor and set up values, such as the battery, voltage, earthing quality, and output, and switch on individual devices
  • set the limit values for triggering alarms on individual fences
  • receive immediately an online alarm on your mobile phone and e-mail in the event of an exceptional breakdown situation

What do the users say about our modern fencee smart farm?

“My parents have reached the age when they appreciate not having to go check the fencing every morning. If there’s a problem, the gateway triggers an alarm, which I consider as the biggest advantage.”

Pavlína N., Lhota u Vsetína

“I’ve got the gateway at home, as the central control and alarm. I have the control with me all the time when moving outside around the fencing. I consider as a big advantage that I don’t have to pay for SIM cards.”

Petr B., Litoměříce

“I’ve got 3 fences connected to the gateway, so I keep track of all of them at the same time and save a lot of time. Before that I had to go check the fencing. Now I know immediately if anything goes wrong.”

Adam M., Beskydy

Take a look, how fencee Cloud app works.

Check out the video and get acquainted with the new fencee Cloud application for controlling fences from anywhere in the world.

Our consulting room provides tips for maintenance and installation and other important information. In our blog, you can read how to choose the right components for an electric fencing for horses, goats or the sheep. Every animal has specific demands that need to be taken care of. You can also use our live chat with our technical consultants or turn to our technical department at We will be happy to advise you.


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