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Set of electric fence protection against black, forest, deer - energizer + polywire 400 m

Set of electric fence protection against black, forest, deer - energizer + polywire 400 m

Set of electric fence protection against black, forest, deer - energizer + polywire 400 m

Functions of product Set of electric fence protection against black, forest, deer - energizer + polywire 400 m

ON/OFF button ST Transformer LED diodes SafeShock Low consumption Smart Control DIN rail Completely resistant

Product´s description Set of electric fence protection against black, forest, deer - energizer + polywire 400 m

Complete set of electric fence suitable for protection of land, field, vineyard, orchard, crops and crops against black, forest animals and wild boars. Save your crops from fallow deer and roe deer. Stop biting trees and fruits. Prevent wild boars from ploughing your fields, wheat.

Powerful energizer fencee power P50

The basis of the kit is the maintenance-free mains energizer of the fencee power P50 electric fence. The fence energizer with 5 J is suitable for fences with installation lengths of up to 47 km. Simply plug the energizer into a 230 V socket using the power cord and switch on with the ON/OFF button.

The latest microprocessor technology offers a practical and reliable solution for powering an electric fence. The highly luminous LEDs are clearly visible even in direct sunlight. They are located on the front of the energizer and indicate the operation of the eneriger in colour. In the event of a fault in the fence, they change colour so you can react immediately. SafeShock technology and very low power consumption are other features of the power P energizer.

Accessories for building an electric fence

The complete fence kit includes a high-quality blue wire Ø 3 mm. The copper conductors ensure maximum conductivity - a resistance of 0,17 Ω/m. The blue colour is most visible to the eye of black and wild animals and acts as a warning before touching the fence itself. The fence rope in a 400 metre coil is made of strong material that is tear-resistant and has a long service life.

The fencing height of up to 136 cm above the ground is created using mobile plastic posts with 11 eyelets for individual wire pulling. There is also a grounding rod. The complete electric fence kit is practical and easy to assemble.

Package contents:

The individual items can be easily reordered according to the length of your installation.

Included in the energizer package:

  • 150 cm ground cable (eyelet-mesh)
  • connection cable 100 cm (eyelet-heart)
  • power cable 100 cm
  • fencee warning plate
  • operating instructions

Power source 230 V ~
Energizer consumption 230 V 6 W
Output energy 5 J
Output voltage 11800 V
Output voltage 500 Ω 6800 V
LED impulse
LED error check
TEOR. max. CEE 160 km
Low vegetation 47 km
Medium vegetation 18 km
High vegetation 5 km
Earthing 1 m 2 ×
El. fence nets 6 ×
DIN rail
Diameter 210 mm
Depth 66 mm
Weigth 1418 g

Manuals and files for downloading

Manual fencee power P


Go to How-to guide

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Do you need advice? Ask anything about the product Electric fence set protection against wild boar, forest, deer and black beasts - power supply - 400 m cable


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