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Agricultural Cooparetive Vlkov under the supervision of Smart Farm

Agricultural Cooparetive Vlkov under the supervision of Smart Farm


Agricultural cooperative Vlkov
Agricultural cooperative Vlkov


Czech Republic - Semanín, Vlkov, Pazucha, Strakov, Kozlov

About farm

Electric fencing with a total area of 500 ha
740 animals Cattle - Charolais and Herford breed
9 active RF devices

Smart Farm saves us

2 hours per day
7 days per month
717 € monthly
8 604 € per year
in 6 months
Agricultural Cooparetive Vlkov under the supervision of Smart Farm
"The biggest benefit in our case is the constant supervision of the fences with livestock and the fact that I can have peace of mind. We have five areas in total, it's a lot of animals spread over a large territory. In the app everything is clear, I check my phone in the morning and see what the voltage is."
zoo technician Ing. Josef Šmíd

This summer, we went to Vlkov to see Mr. Šmíd, for whom we installed our Smart Farm system. We discussed how the system helps them and saves their time. We found out the biggest advantages of the system and the reasons why they would never go back to traditional fencing without the monitoring and remote control options.

The agricultural cooperative, which has a total of 15 employees was established in 1993. This agricultural cooperative focuses mainly on animal breeding and crop production. There are 6 electric fences for animal husbandry covering an area of almost 500 ha. A total of 740 cattle, mainly of the Charolais beef breed, graze on these pastures. This is one of the most productive and also one of the most demanding breeds in terms of cattle and lamb care. The remaining 440 ha are used for crop production with a focus on wheat, barley, rape and corn.

Reasons to purchase a Smart Farm

The main reason for this system installation was the possibility of remote control and online monitoring of all electric fences. Multiple herds in different locations require a lot of care and the maintenance of the electric fencing takes a lot of time, so it is important to work as efficiently as possible. Making the job easier is one of the most influential factors across a diverse range of sectors. The Smart Farm system simplifies day-to-day practice for both large and smaller farms. "For me personally, the biggest advantage of the system is the constant monitoring of the fences and the fact that I can have peace of mind. We have five areas in total, it's a lot of animals spread over a large territory. In the app everything is clear, I check my phone in the morning and see what the voltage is." says Mr. Šmíd. FENCEE CLOUD APP FEATURES

Thanks to the user-friendly fencee Cloud app, you can follow what's happening with your electric fence and react immediately if necessary. You get an overview of the energizer's performance, alerts for voltage drop or poor earthing etc. Last but not least you have an opportunity to switch ON/OFF the energizer on your phone.

"I used to have to go to every resort to turn off the energizer and then go back to the fence. Now I can conveniently turn off the energizer from my phone and I don't have to go anywhere. It's a huge time saver, and we wouldn't want to be without it anymore."

Josef Šmíd, zootechnician

Online monitoring of fence voltage

Every week there is the herding of animals from one pasture to another. Before using the Smart Farm system, the fences had to be checked before the animals were herded. Nowadays, the system controls the conditions of all electric fences, which saves valuable hours. „Thanks to the Smart Farm system, I can be sure that all electric fences are working properly. The constant monitoring of the fences makes our job much easier. I can control the fences from my phone from anywhere. I find this as a great time saver.“ Mr. Šmíd says about the Smart Farm system.

When there is a fault on the fence, an alert is sent immediately to the phone and e-mail. All users of the app receive an alert with a notification. This gives you the opportunity to rescue this problem in time and prevent bigger problems, such as animals moving outside the safe zone of the fence. During the interview, Mr. Šmíd mentioned that before using the Smart Farm system, there have been several cases when animals left the fence system and Agricultural Cooperatives was contacted by people from the surrounding villages that the animals are outside of the fence. The Agricultural Cooperative really do not miss that and Mr Šmíd adds: „I check the energizers several times a day over the summer using the app. When I get the alert I get in my car and drive to a specific location.“ Alert on damaged fence - video

"With Smart Farm system I don´t have to check the fence every day. I can say that I used to spend an average of 3 hours by checking animals and electric fences every day. Now, I spend less than 1 hour and I can be sure that everything is fine."

Josef Šmíd, zootechnician

Perfect overview on mobile phone and PC

The free fencee Cloud app is available for Android or iOS devices. Control and monitoring of the fence parameters is also possible via the web interface on your PC. This option is used by the owner of the Agricultural Cooperative, Mr. Jiří Lux. The PC version of the fencee Cloud app allows other useful features such as displaying fences in map bases and virtual fences. Farms with multiple employees and part-time workers will certainly benefit from device-sharing with other farm members, where you can grant fence control rights to individual users of the application. 


Electric fence performance close at hand

We had the opportunity to visit most of the places with electric fencing. We got to the outskirts of villages but also remote places where our unique solution of mutual communication between RF devices via radio frequency was the only possible option. Thanks to a Cloud-based solution, a sophisticated app, and RF technology, you get a perfect overview of all electric fences from your phone or PC practically anywhere.

Fence system 1 – Main center Semanín

The first destination was the main center which is used mainly as a wintering place for mothers. All the health tests and hoof care is done here. There is also the main pasture, which is powered by energizer energy DUO RF EDX150 with the output power of 15 J. Remote central control and monitoring is possible thanks to FENCE WiFi GATEWAY GW100 - Central gateway 1., which is located in the main technical building. Thanks to the central device it is possible to monitor the parameters and control the fence from a mobile phone or PC. There is also a smaller, less powerful energizer power DUO RF PDX40 with 4 J output power as a reserve that is used as needed – currently it powers a smaller fence close to the main center.

Moderní Chytrá Farma ZD Vlkov

Fence system 2 - Pazucha

Our next station was the large fence system in close village where Mr. Šmíd lives. There was measured a voltage of 8,5 Kv, even when the fences were slightly overgrown. The power supply is provided by fence energizer energy DUO RF EDX150, which is paired to Central gateway 2. located in Mr. Šmíd house. „Over the period when fencee energizers have been in use, there has not been a problem with low voltage at the fence and the power output of the energizer is perfectly adequate.“ says Mr. Šmíd.

Moderní Chytrá Farma fencee Cloud ZD Vlkov

The fencee energy DUO RF EDX energizers with large LCD display clearly show the load of the electric fence. This makes it easy to see what the conditions on your fence are and whether the grass is tall enough to need cutting. There are 5 levels indicating the height of the vegetation.

Fence system 3 - Strakov

After that, we moved to the third station which is located near a small village where is a large cow shelter and a medium-sized electric fence powered by a power DUO RF PDX70 energizer with an output power of 7 J. This station is located in a hollow, so a larger external RF antenna was used here to ensure smooth data transmission towards Central gateway 2. which is located in Mr. Šmíd house in another village.

Chytrá farma Strakov

Fence system 4 - Kozlov

Last station with a smaller farmhouse and a large electric fence. Central gateway 3. is located in the farmhouse building and paired with the energy DUO RF EDX150 energizer. The high-performing energizer powers a large electric fence divided into three sections. A monitoring device Monitor MX10 is placed on the fence at a location along a busy road. A guarding device that measures the fence voltage value. The monitor sends an alarm to the Gateway if the voltage drops below a set level.

Find out more about options for installing our smart device for remote monitoring of electric fence parameters. Online measurement of the fence voltage value 24/7.

Přejít na článek

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Smart Farm fencee Cloud video

A short example of a remotely controlled electric fence using the fencee Cloud app. A video showing the basic functions of the system, with which the agricultural cooperative Vlkov can monitor and control their electric fencing whenever they need it.


If you would like to purchase a Smart Farm fencee Cloud system, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer any questions and help you fine-tune all the details regarding installation and operation.

Photos of the Agricultural cooperative Vlkov 

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